List of the vehicles

L'vivska Railway, Service is the path, SDP, SDPM, SDPM2

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Note
СДП-346 19352467 1959 ПЧ-17 Броды
СДП-457 19350578 1961 ПЧ-14 Мукачево
СДП-727 19353291 1962 ПЧ-1 Львов
СДП-1018 19351170 1963 ПЧ-2 Подзамче
СДП-1019 19351311 1963 ПЧ-10 Ковель
СДПМ-1217 19353176 1964 ПЧ-3 Каменка-Бугская
СДПМ-1989 19351899 1971 ПЧ-11 Черновцы
СДПМ-2430 19353309 1975 ПЧ-14 Мукачево
СДПМ-2525 19353259 1977 ПЧ-6 Сарны
СДПМ2-2884 19354844 1982 ПЧ-10 Ковель
СДПМ2-2941 19354414 1983 ПЧ-5 Стрый
СДПМ2-2989 19354893 ПЧ-12 Ивано-Франковск
СДПМ2-3026 19354265 1984 ПЧ-11 Черновцы
СДПМ2-3139 19354398 1985 ПЧ-19 Киверцы
СДПМ2-3175 19354752 1986 ПЧ-18 Ходоров
СДПМ2-3297 19352970 1987 ПЧ-15 Хуст
СДПМ2-3366 19354661 1988 ПЧ-8 Тернополь
СДПМ2-3380 19354802 1989 ПЧ-12 Ивано-Франковск
СДПМ2-3426 19354281 1989 ПЧ-9 Чертков
СДПМ-3721 19353218 1974 ПЧ-4 Самбор

Records shown: 20 of 20

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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