List of the vehicles

Moscow Railway, Stupino industrial enterprise of railway transport JSC

Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
СУМ1ДГ-001 (нет в списке) щеточный снегоочиститель
Ь.3208 142 tupe 1923 01.1960
9П-33 9P (164 type) 1936 01.1968
9П-150 9P (164 type) 8003 1940 10.1968
Ь.20 bl 1924 01.1960
ТЛ-519 BR 42 (ТЛ) KDL 3 12836 1944 01.1963
Эш.4262 E 1447 1923 06.1963
EDK300/2-155 EDK300/2 1979
EDK300/2-550 EDK300/2 1989
Эр792-53 Eu, Em, Er 2287 1956 12.1962
КДЭ161-1579 KDE161 1969
КДЭ161-2121 KDE161 1971
КДЭ161-2158 KDE161 1971
КДЭ163-2184 KDE163
КДЭ251-580 KDE251 1971
КДЭ253-1155 KDE253 1982
ПК18.5-134 PK18.5 1937 01.1981
ПК18.5-194 PK18.5 1938 01.1961
Щ.682 Shc 01.1964
Щ.1515 Shc 1914 1962
СО17-4516 SO
ТЭМ15-138 TEM15 15231137 1991 2012
ТЭМ2-077 TEM2, TEM2A 1968
ТГМ6-029 TGM6, TGM6A 1970
ТГМ6А-106 TGM6, TGM6A 1971
ТГМ6А-171 TGM6, TGM6A 1971
ТГМ6А-932 TGM6, TGM6A 09.1977
ТГМ6А-1151 TGM6, TGM6A 1978 2017 ТЭВ30-044
ТГМ6А-1458 TGM6, TGM6A 09.1980
ТГМ6А-1626 TGM6, TGM6A 1982
ТГМ6А-1792 TGM6, TGM6A 15710023 1983
ТГМ6А-1859 TGM6, TGM6A 12.1983
ТГМ6А-2007 TGM6, TGM6A 15718158
ТГМ6А-2067 TGM6, TGM6A 1985
ТГМ6А-2115 TGM6, TGM6A 1985 2018
ТГМ6А-2218 TGM6, TGM6A 1986 ≈ 2016 Продажа
ТГМ6В-0077 TGM6V 15720287 1989

Records shown: 37 of 37

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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