List of the vehicles

Railways of the USA, GP9u

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Works number Built Left/written off Depot Note
100 22100 07.1956 SRNJ
101 25055 01.1959 SRNJ
514 24505 03.1958 Steamtown NHS
752 21428 02.1956 BRW
1889 A570 02.1954 BRW Leased to Kinder-Morgan, Newport News, Virginia.
5911 20519 05.1955 25.04.1984 DRGW
5912 20520 05.1955 03.10.1991 DRGW
5913 20521 05.1955 03.10.1991 DRGW
5914 20522 05.1955 25.04.1984 DRGW
5921 20523 06.1955 10.04.1984 DRGW
5922 20524 06.1955 03.10.1991 DRGW
5923 20525 06.1955 06.1977 DRGW
6607 22256 10.1956 B&O
7006 20710 10.1955 Railroad Museum of Pennsylvani
7048 20752 12.1955 PRR
8218 A1134 08.1957 NHRR

Records shown: 16 of 16

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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