№ |
სერიული ტიპი |
სამუშაოების ნომერი |
დამზადებულია |
დეპო |
შესწორება |
Щ.51/2 |
Other |
Щ.59 |
1915 |
Other |
Щч.68 |
Other |
Щч.156 |
USSR Industrial rolling stock |
Минхимпром |
Щ.340 |
Other |
Щ.512 |
1911 |
Other |
Щ.534 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.551 |
Other |
Щ.606 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.657 |
1914 |
USSR Industrial rolling stock |
Щ.1509 |
1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.1551 |
Other |
Щ.2045 |
1908 |
Other |
Щн.2127 |
1823 |
01.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2130 |
1826 |
01.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2132 |
1828 |
01.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2136 |
1832 |
02.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2137 |
1833 |
04.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2138 |
1899 |
11.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2139 |
1900 |
11.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.2140 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щн.2140 |
1901 |
11.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2141 |
1902 |
11.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щн.2142 |
1903 |
11.1911 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.2147 |
1913 |
Other |
Щ.2173 |
1913 |
USSR Interior Ministry (NKVD) |
Щ.2213 |
1911 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.2218 |
1911 |
Other |
Щ.2341 |
1910 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.2804 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.3015 |
Other |
Щ.3103 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.3127 |
38 |
1914 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щ.3135 |
38 |
1934 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |
Щб.3139 |
Other |
Щ.3143 |
38 |
1914 |
Other |
Щ.4034 |
1908 |
Ministry of Defence |
Щ.4547 |
1908 |
Other |
Щ.5076 |
2001 |
11.1913 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5080 |
2005 |
11.1913 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5081 |
2006 |
11.1913 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5082 |
2008 |
11.1913 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5083 |
2009 |
11.1913 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5085 |
2010 |
11.1913 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5086 |
2027 |
01.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5087 |
2028 |
01.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5088 |
2029 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5089 |
2030 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5090 |
2031 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5091 |
2032 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5092 |
2033 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5093 |
2034 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5094 |
2035 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5095 |
2036 |
02.1914 |
Other of the Russian Empire |
Щ.5532 |
1908 |
USSR Ministry of Railways |