List of the vehicles

North Caucasus Railway, TEM7A

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Depot Note
ТЭМ7А-0024 15270002 1989 ≤ 2020 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0024 15270002 1989 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0108 15270374 09.1990 Tuapse
ТЭМ7А-0120 15270044 1990 ≈ 2020 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0120 15270044 1990 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0126 15270101 1990 ≈ 2009 Novorossiysk
ТЭМ7А-0126 15270101 1990 ≤ 2020 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0126 15270101 1990 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0206 15270499 1992 ≤ 2020 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0206 15270499 1992 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0208 15270051 1992 2020 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0208 15270051 1992 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0350 15271406 2010 2018 Tuapse
ТЭМ7А-0350 15271406 2010 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0351 15271414 2010 2018 Tuapse
ТЭМ7А-0351 15271414 2010 2019 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0351 15271414 2010 2023 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0351 15271414 2010 Tuapse
ТЭМ7А-0352 15271422 2010 Tuapse
ТЭМ7А-0391 2011 Private ООО «РН-Туапсинский НПЗ»
ТЭМ7А-0438 15272305 2012 2018 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0438 15272305 2012 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0439 15272313 2012 2019 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0439 15272313 2012 Krasnodar Мичуринский ЛРЗ
ТЭМ7А-0451 15272438 2012 2018 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0451 15272438 2012 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0461 15272685 20.09.2012 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0463 15272701 2012 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0476 15272909 2013 2018 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0476 15272909 2013 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0490 15273394 17.07.2013 2019 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0490 15273394 17.07.2013 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0491 15273634 2013 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0496 15273667 2013 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0497 15273675 2013 2017 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0497 15273675 2013 2019 Likhaya
ТЭМ7А-0497 15273675 2013 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0499 15273808 2013 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0503 15273782 11.2013 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0504 15273790 11.2013 2018 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0504 15273790 11.2013 ≈ 2019 Timashevskaya
ТЭМ7А-0504 15273790 11.2013 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0505 15273816 12.2013 Bataisk
ТЭМ7А-0521 15274111 06.2014 Likhaya
ТЭМ7А-0522 15274129 06.2014 2019 Likhaya
ТЭМ7А-0522 15274129 06.2014 Krasnodar
ТЭМ7А-0524 15274152 2014 Likhaya
ТЭМ7А-0525 15274160 2014 Likhaya

Records shown: 48 of 48

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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