List of the vehicles

Kuybyshev Railway, TEM18

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Depot Note
ТЭМ18-006 15468457 1993 Private ООО «Химзавод», г. Тольятти * ТР Пензинский ТРЗ
ТЭМ18-040 15468747 1996 Private ФГУП ФНПЦ ПО "Старт" им. М. В. Проценко, Заречный * ПТРЗ
ТЭМ18-052 15469000 1997 JSC Sterlitamak
ТЭМ18-062 15468994 1997 JSC Sterlitamak
ТЭМ18-104 2000 Tatneft ОАО "Нижнекамскшина"
ТЭМ18-120 15468986 2000 JSC Sterlitamak
ТЭМ18-121 15468978 2000 JSC Sterlitamak
ТЭМ18-139 15468333 2001 ≈ 2024 KuAZ
ТЭМ18-139 15468333 2001 PPZhT, Togliatti
ТЭМ18-151 15468812 2002 ТЧ Бугульма
ТЭМ18-205 2004
ТЭМ18-226 15468341 2005 KuAZ
ТЭМ18-273 2006 ???? Private
ТЭМ18-281 15468507 2006 BSC
ТЭМ18-307 00002550 2006 ≈ 2016 Other
ТЭМ18-325 2007 Private
ТЭМ18-328 15469182 2007 ???? Private ГУСП "Башсельхозтехника", ст. Уршак
ТЭМ18-343 15468515 2007 BSC
ТЭМ18-351 15468960 08.2007 JSC Sterlitamak
ТЭМ18-412 15468440 07.2008 GazpromNeftehim

Records shown: 20 of 20

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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