List of the vehicles

West Siberian railway, TGM40S

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Built Left/written off Depot Note
ТГМ40С-0002 1988 ???? Private ПО "Омскнефтеоргсинтез"
ТГМ40С-0025 1988 ≥ 2020 Private Барнаульский завод механических прессов
ТГМ40С-0041 1989 Private ЗАО "Гранула", г. Ленинск-Кузнецкий
ТГМ40С-0056 1989 Private ООО "Омсктрансмаш"
ТГМ40С-0059 1989 Private ОАО "Омсктехоптторг"
ТГМ40С-0115 1990 Private ООО «Сибавтолизинг» (Новосибирск)
ТГМ40С-0134 02.1991 Private Омский агрегатный завод
ТГМ40С-0138 05.1991 Altai Carriage Works
ТГМ40С-0149 1991 TTL LLC
ТГМ40С-0160 1991 Private ОАО "Шахта "Заречная"
ТГМ40С-0173 03.1992 Private Повалихинский комбикормовый завод
ТГМ40С-0178 1992 Private Рубцовский комбинат хлебопродуктов
ТГМ40С-0181 06.1992 Private Алтайский цементный завод
ТГМ40С-0185 11.1992 Private Алейский комбинат хлебопродуктов
ТГМ40С-0221 1994 Private КВРП Новотранс
ТГМ40С-0232 06.1996 PRMM Tchulymskaya

Records shown: 16 of 16

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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