List of the vehicles

Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway, ADM1

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Depot Note
АДМ1-058 18320580 09.1990 South-West railway ЭЧ-6 Дарница
АДМ1-099 1991 South-West railway
АДМ1-128 18321281 10.1991 South-West railway ЕЧ-1 Киев
АДМ1-166 18311662 04.1992 South-West railway ЭЧ-5 Конотоп
АДМ1-199 18321992 09.1992 South-West railway ЭЧ-1
АДМ1-345 18313452 11.1994 South-West railway ЭЧ-6
АДМ1-387 18323873 1995 South-West railway СМП-392 Винница
АДМ1-398 18323980 1996 South-West railway ЭЧ-3 Жмеринка
АДМ1-399 18323998 1996 South-West railway ЭЧ-3 Жмеринка
АДМ1-408 18324087 1997 South-West railway ЭЧ-7
АДМ1-418 18324186 1996 South-West railway ЭЧ-1 Киев
АДМ1-421 18324210 1996 South-West railway ЭЧ-3
АДМ1-449 18314492 1997 South-West railway ЭЧ-2
АДМ1-451 18314518 1997 South-West railway ЭЧ-6
АДМ1-474 18324749 07.1998 South-West railway ЭЧ-1 Киев
АДМ1-475 18324756 1998 South-West railway ЭЧ-6 Дарница
АДМ1-476 18314765 1998 South-West railway ЭЧ-5 Конотоп
АДМ1-480 18324806 1998 South-West railway ЭЧ-6
АДМ1-844 18323444 2002 South-West railway ЭЧ-6 Дарница
АДМ1-857 18323576 2002 South-West railway ЭЧ-4
АДМ1-1000 18320002 02.2004 South-West railway ЭЧ-7 Фастов
1АДМ1.3-1220 18300202 2006 South-West railway ЭЧ-6 Носовка
1АДМ1.3-1227 18300277 2006 South-West railway ЭЧ-1
1АДМ1.3-1416 18302166 2008 South-West railway ЭЧ-5 Конотоп
1АДМ1.3-1417 18302174 2008 South-West railway ЭЧ-6 Дарница
1АДМ1.3-1418 18302182 2008 South-West railway ЭЧ-1

Records shown: 26 of 26

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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