Moscow Railway — The 2nd International Rail Salon EXPO 1520
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9-12 сентября 2009 ЭК ВНИИЖТ, Москва, Щербинка
2ЭС4К-016 , West Siberian railway
Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways
September 11, 2009 Author: Shtaket
2ЭС6-015 , Sverdlovsk Railway
Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways
September 11, 2009 Author: Shtaket
2ЭС6-015 , Sverdlovsk Railway
Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways
September 11, 2009 Author: Shtaket
ЧМЭ3-1994 , Moscow Railway
Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways
September 11, 2009 Author: Shtaket
ЧМЭ3-4342 , Moscow Railway
Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways
September 11, 2009 Author: Shtaket
Эу699-74 , Moscow Railway
Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways
September 10, 2009 Author: Воздух Свободы
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