Moscow Railway — The 6th International Rail Salon EXPO 1520

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30.08-02.09.2017 Экспериментальное кольцо ВНИИЖТ, Щербинка, Москва

525 KB

ЩОМ2000-001, Northern Railway

Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ
Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways

August 30, 2017
Author: Lasselan

558 KB

ФД20-1679, North Caucasus Railway

Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ
Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways

August 30, 2017
Author: avoid

578 KB

TGM8KM-312001, Ferrocarriles de Cuba

Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ
Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways

August 30, 2017
Author: Lasselan

539 KB

 ТЭМ28-001 , Kazakhstan Temir Zholy

Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ
Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways

August 30, 2017
Author: Lasselan

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