ავტორის სურათზე კომენტარები Hagues98

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Devochka ЭП1 · 11.06.2020 23:33 MSK
Good, Richard!
Hagues98 · 11.06.2020 21:52 MSK
GBRF's 66720 works 5Z92 Doncaster Down Decoy Gbrf to Worksop Up Receptions, a working which is taking MK4 LNER stock for storage after it has been withdrawn from service on the ECML.
This stock has been replaced by Hitachi's 800,801 and 802 "Azuma" units.
Чока · 11.06.2020 15:43 MSK
Цитата (Hagues98, 02.06.2020):
> High Speed Diesel and Electric, this train is Bi-Mode and can run at 125mph / 200kph on both diesel mode and Electric. The reason for this is part of the route has overhead wires but part doesn't. In the UK we don't have such a high proportion of electrified track))

Thank you.
Hagues98 · 11.06.2020 13:08 MSK
Quote (VladDzen, 11.06.2020):
> Those who are really interested in your comments will find a way to understand them.
> Thanks for the photo!

Thank you)))
Hagues98 · 11.06.2020 13:07 MSK
Quote (volgabus, 11.06.2020):
> I guess they'll keep their coach numbers at least, I mean 57377 & 52305.

Yes I would assume so, it's quite interesting to watch what will happen.
Hagues98 · 11.06.2020 13:01 MSK
Quote (Paulus, 10.06.2020):
> Где-то попадпались фотки датского дизельного Сапсана на паромной переправе.
> Потом то ли порезали, то ли в Румынию подарили.

Do you mean the ICE TD?
VladDzen · 11.06.2020 12:32 MSK
Hagues98, never mind!
Those who are really interested in your comments will find a way to understand them.
Thanks for the photo!
volgabus · 11.06.2020 11:28 MSK
Цитата (Hagues98, 10.06.2020):
> Not sure they if they will keep their 153 designation?

I guess they'll keep their coach numbers at least, I mean 57377 & 52305.
Paulus · 11.06.2020 02:33 MSK
Электрификация, моторвагонный ПС, высокие платформы.
Все атрибуты развитых железнодорожных агломераций.
Paulus · 11.06.2020 02:30 MSK
Цитата (Плотников П, 02.06.2020):
> О таких поездах у нас даже не слышали. Сапсан с дизелем.

Где-то попадпались фотки датского дизельного Сапсана на паромной переправе.
Потом то ли порезали, то ли в Румынию подарили.
Hagues98 · 10.06.2020 23:20 MSK
Quote (VladislavSKZHD, 10.06.2020):
> Что за вагоны слева стоят? ЛКС?

I believe they were for staff to stay in, I am not too sure)
VladislavSKZHD · 10.06.2020 22:37 MSK
Что за вагоны слева стоят? ЛКС?
Hagues98 · 10.06.2020 21:15 MSK
Quote (volgabus, 10.06.2020):
> Hello Richard, looks like 153377 and 153305 don't exist anymore, at least in the state pictured above

Yeah they will be used with 156s I think for extra capacity. Not sure they if they will keep their 153 designation?
volgabus · 10.06.2020 20:13 MSK
Hello Richard, looks like 153377 and 153305 don't exist anymore, at least in the state pictured above, judging by the comments of this photo's author: https://www.flickr.com/photos/killie65/48620022457/ and this https://www.flickr.com/photos/183069820@N02/49854772331/

They're currently being converted in some sort of a luggage coach to be used on the WHL in Scotland, that's news to me.
Hagues98 · 10.06.2020 16:46 MSK
A pair of Northern Rail 153's work from Bridlington to Sheffield with a regional passenger train past Pillwood Farm, Cottingham.
They had recently transfered from GWR in the south west of England to Northern Rail, which is why the first unit carries GWR's Green livery and the second unit carries a plain white livery.
Hagues98 · 10.06.2020 12:32 MSK
As I said on the other photo you commented on...

The issue with this is, as others have said it does give a clear fully correct translation of what I want to write sadly. If it did I would use that for my posts. I often write longer descriptions of my posts which is where translators make errors. Not to mention that in these descriptions include words and phrases that are lesser used, due to them being specific about railways. This means that translator often makes it completely un-understandable.

I understand that some users who don't speak any English will have to run it through a translator still, and I would like to think they will be able to understand most if not all of it. You have to remember that when I input to a translator, the Russian that I get out means nothing to me. I have no idea if it is correct or if says "the train here is driving to your grandmas house"!

As for the location in Russian in the caption; this is difficult for me sometimes, especially with none Russian places, as again I have no idea what it is in Russian, and when I have put that through a translator it has always been corrected for me. So I have stopped adding the location in Russian. For example if it is in England, why should I write the place name in Russian?

I would like to add I am 100% in support of people commenting in Russian on my photos if they do not speak English. I translate the comments via built in Google Chrome, an extention or if translator is struggling I will ask my girlfriend, who speaks Russian.

Whilst using this website I have it set to the English setting, so most is already in English for me, it's just comments, captions etc that are in Russian. I hope that I can carry on posting photos without this conflict of intrests as to me the site is not only useful, but very enjoyable to speak with Rail Enthusiasts from other countries.

May I also add that I often read comments on others photos and find it very interesting. However these do not always translate perfectly, so I translate it bit by bit to try to get a better understanding of what is being said.

I do hope this answers questions and worries.
Mehanik75 · 10.06.2020 09:50 MSK
Цитата (maxxxcab, 10.06.2020):
> Что значит "всей аудитории"?

А то и значит! какой процент пользователей на сайте,которые свободно владеют английским? И потом,как-то же он читает другие комментарии под другими фотографиями или он интересуется только тем,что обсуждают под своими фотографиями?
HAnS · 10.06.2020 09:31 MSK
Цитата (Hagues98, 10.06.2020):
> I'm not too sure about the GWR ones. The Northern 142s are continuing till the end of 2020 :)))

Many thanks!
maxxxcab · 10.06.2020 08:22 MSK
Что значит "всей аудитории"? Как-будто на сайте нет людей, которые английский язык понимают. Некоторые ему же отвечают, пусть и на не идеальном английском. Да и вообще, тут некоторым не помешало бы свой родной язык подтянуть для начала.
Mehanik75 · 10.06.2020 07:59 MSK
К автору фото,пишите пожалуйста комментарии на русском! Сайт в основном русскоязычный. Всей аудитории что ли пользоваться из-за Вас переводчик?
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