Komentari na fotografije ovog korisnika Hagues98

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Poveznica na stranicu
URAGAN · Sev · 12.04.2023 09:37 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 854
+7 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Андрей Безбородов · Пост-Дичня · 12.04.2023 08:28 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 1038 · Izvršni urednik
Very good!
+8 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 12.04.2023 00:02 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Colas 56094 + 56105 waits for permission onto Heaton Lodge Junction with 6E32 while Freightliner 66 587 working Leeds - Crewe (Light engine movement from FL depot) heads the other way. This loco is in a pink colour due to a promo partnership with Ocean ONE shipping company.
+15 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 11.04.2023 20:36 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Before I'd even had chacne to properly get positioned for shooting after arriving at the location a VL40M rolled round the corner with half of 2TE10MK-2087 in tow. Settings were quickly adjusted and the train was there in a second. What a lucky first catch of the day!
+10 / –1
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 11.04.2023 12:55 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Quote (Almaz2000, 11.04.2023):
> direction of Balkhash?

Yes I have photos, I still need to process them (3 weeks of stuff to go through). I saw quite a few trains take the line to and from Balkhash during the day I was there.
+1 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Almaz2000 · 11.04.2023 08:28 MSK
Nema objavljenih fotografija
Are there photos in the direction of Balkhash?
+1 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 10.04.2023 23:20 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Thank you both for the help, I was a bit unsure of the section. I knew Moiynty but not the next place.

Quote (crazyrussianturist, 10.04.2023):
> http://unla.webservis.ru/sprav/tabl/10/kz/10-13.htm

This website is quite interesting, I always found it difficult to find infomation about local/suburban trains in these countries. Do you recommend any other sites? :)

Спасибо вам обоим за помощь, я немного не был уверен в разделе. Я знал Мойынты, но не соседнее место.

Цитата (crazyrussianturist, 10.04.2023):
> http://unla.webservis.ru/sprav/tabl/10/kz/10-13.htm

Этот сайт довольно интересный, мне всегда было трудно найти информацию о местных/пригородных поездах в этих странах. Порекомендуете другие сайты? :)
+1 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
crazyrussianturist · Русский Брод · 10.04.2023 22:07 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 957
Спасибо за фото, редкие места. Перегон указан неверно! Правильно будет Мойынты - Шешенкара http://unla.webservis.ru/sprav/tabl/10/kz/10-13.htm
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
URAGAN · Sev · 10.04.2023 21:46 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 854
Явно перегон. Надо помочь коллеге с обозначением места съёмки :)
+4 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 10.04.2023 21:40 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Very impressive locomotives which I only saw working passenger trains during my stay in Uzbekistan
+9 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 10.04.2023 18:48 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
VL80S-1334 heads southbound out of Moiynty. By this point in the afternoon walking around the steppe was getting difficult due to the ground defrosting but it was nice to get some photos with the last of the snow.
+5 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 09.04.2023 18:47 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Quote (trec5, 09.04.2023):
> Incredible!

Thank you :) Your country is stunning, glad to be coming back in May!
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
trec5 · Ташкент-Пассажирский · 09.04.2023 18:39 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 1
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 08.04.2023 23:12 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Very interesting Almaz! :)
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Almaz2000 · 08.04.2023 22:08 MSK
Nema objavljenih fotografija
Цитата (Hagues98, 08.04.2023):
> It's really quite cool how close they run.
> Going by the amount of traffic I saw on the 2 part days I did on this line there would be a strong case for double track and electrification.

On amendments to the authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 24, 2016 No. 302 "On the shareholders of the Interregional scheme for the territorial development of the Almaty agglomeration"
Almaty region is a cross-border region, as it borders on the People's Republic of China in the west.

Within the limits of the Almaty agglomeration, the international transit corridor "Western Europe - Western China" passes (the railway line "Zhetygen - Khorgos", which runs parallel to the highway of the same name). The length of the railway section "Khorgos - Zhetygen - Aksengir" within the agglomeration is 135 km.
The project of the Interregional scheme of the Almaty agglomeration proposes the construction of:

bypass railway line with the message "Zhetygen - Kazybek bek";

second tracks with electrification at the section "Almaty 1 - Zhetygen - Khorgos";

railway line (with promising electrification) with the message "Zhetygen - Koskuduk".
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 08.04.2023 19:55 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
It's really quite cool how close they run.

Going by the amount of traffic I saw on the 2 part days I did on this line there would be a strong case for double track and electrification.
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Almaz2000 · 08.04.2023 18:13 MSK
Nema objavljenih fotografija
Цитата (volgabus, 08.04.2023):
> Круто, перегон прямо через дворы проходит, это даже не подъездной путь, просто мечта.

Я как-то слышал,что вместо этого двора планируют строительтство 2-х путей до Актогая и Хоргоса с последующей электрификацией
+3 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
volgabus · 08.04.2023 18:09 MSK
Nema objavljenih fotografija
Круто, перегон прямо через дворы проходит, это даже не подъездной путь, просто мечта.
+2 / –0
Poveznica na stranicu
Hagues98 · BR · 06.04.2023 12:01 MSK
Broj objavljenih fotografija: 195 · Urednik — Velika Britanija
Thank you! :)
+2 / –0
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