Real name: | Вася Пупкин |
Birthday: | 09.05.1988 |
Registration date: | 26.02.2022 MSK |
Rating: | photos +66, comments +143 |
Sex: | male |
Knowledge of languages: | Олбанский, Мат |
User's time: | 00:33 (+3 hr.) |
Last visit: | 02.01.2025 MSK at 20:26 MSK |
User about himself
Конечно Вася, ну кто его не знает...
Russia: Moscow Railway (272), October Railway (48), South-Eastern Railway (40), Northern Railway (18), Russia, private carriers (16), Gorky Railway (14), Kuybyshev Railway (5), North Caucasus Railway (3), Sverdlovsk Railway (1), South Urals Railways (1). Number of photos: 443
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