Photos added August 15, 2024

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations

16:34 MSK 844 KB

 231 052-2 , DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)

Германия, Тюрингия, станция Арнштадт
Germany, Thuringia, Arnstadt station
Deutschland, Thüringen, Bahnhof Arnstadt

March 26, 1993
Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

16:34 MSK 802 KB

 231 071-2 , DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)

Германия, Саксония-Анхальт, станция Цайц
Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Zeitz station
Deutschland, Sachsen-Anhalt, bahnhof Zeitz

August 11, 1993
Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

16:25 MSK 965 KB

 120 146-6 , DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)

Германия, Нижняя Саксония, станция Финцельберг
Germany, Lower Saxony, Vinzelberg station
Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Bahnhof Vinzelberg

Автор — A. Schmidt

March 26, 1991
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

16:24 MSK 732 KB

 131 075-4 , DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)

Германия, Саксония-Анхальт, станция Цайц
Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Zeitz station
Deutschland, Sachsen-Anhalt, bahnhof Zeitz

Автор — F. Wietschorke

September 22, 1991
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

16:24 MSK 774 KB

 231 158-7 , DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)

Германия, Тюрингия, депо Майнинген
Germany, Thuringia, Meiningen depot
Deutschland, Thüringen, Bw Meiningen

Автор — Diaclub

March 6, 1994
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

Total added for the selected period: 88
Images shown: 5 of 5

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations