Photos added March 19, 2025

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations

11:48 MSK 790 KB

 Dm3 1217 , Sweden, other companies
 Dm3 1218 , Sweden, other companies

Швеция, Норрботтен
Sweden, Norrbotten
Sverige, Norrbotten

Фото — M. Kißler

April 13, 2005
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

11:48 MSK 696 KB

 Dm3 1219 , Sweden, other companies
 Dm3 1214 , Sweden, other companies
 Dm3 976 , Sweden, other companies

Швеция, Норрботтен, депо Кируна
Sweden, Norrbotten, Kiruna depot
Sverige, Norrbotten, Kiruna järnvägsstation

Фото — M. Hainzl

March 30, 2001
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

Total added for the selected period: 85
Images shown: 2 of 2

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations