Photos added December 16, 2022

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations

19:35 MSK 682 KB

 ВЛ22М-1892 , Moscow Railway

Россия, Москва, ЭК ВНИИЖТ
Russia, Moscow, Experimentative test ring of the Railway Research Institute of JSC Russian Railways

August 31, 2019
Author: Smavs

18:25 MSK 666 KB

252-022-9, RENFE

Испания, Мадрид, станция Чамартин
Spain, Madrid, Chamartin station
España, Madrid, Estación de Chamartín

June 16, 2019
Author: Smavs

Total added for the selected period: 75
Images shown: 2 of 2

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations