Photos added May 25, 2022

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations

22:13 MSK 524 KB

РА3-077, Northern Railway

Россия, Ивановская область, перегон Строкино — Иваново
Russia, Ivanovo region, Strokino — Ivanovo stretch

May 25, 2022
Author: RiV

22:13 MSK 641 KB

 РА3-054 , Northern Railway

Россия, Ивановская область, перегон Иваново — Строкино
Russia, Ivanovo region, Ivanovo — Strokino stretch

May 25, 2022
Author: RiV

02:01 MSK 606 KB

ЧМЭ3-3112, Northern Railway

Россия, Ивановская область, подъездной путь от станции Текстильный
Russia, Ivanovo region, branch line from the Tekstilny station

May 21, 2022
Author: RiV

Total added for the selected period: 109
Images shown: 3 of 3

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations