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Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations

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18:54 MSK 668 KB

ЧМЭ2-211, Moscow Railway

Россия, Московская область, подъездной путь завода "Криогенмаш" от станции Балашиха
Russia, Moscow region, branch line of the Kriogenmash plant from the Balashikha station

November 24, 2022
Author: Kela

17:27 MSK 501 KB

ТГМ23В48-2003, Moscow Railway

Россия, Московская область, подъездной путь от станции Электросталь
Russia, Moscow region, branch line from the Elektrostal station

December 2, 2022
Author: Kela

17:27 MSK 437 KB

ТГМ6А-2258, Moscow Railway

Россия, Московская область, Ногинское ППЖТ, перегон Черноголовка — Починки
Russia, Moscow region, Noginsk industrial enterprise of railway transport, Chernogolovka — Pochinki stretch

December 2, 2022
Author: Kela

Total added for the selected period: 112
Images shown: 3 of 3

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations