
Novorossia railway

Editors: Dmitry Mihno, Дмитрий Денисенко, Vladok, Виталий_DSK.

Comments to photos of vehicles of the railroad

Donetsk branch

× TCH-1 Red Liman (ZDN)
26.05.2022 — 01.2024 — State Unitary Enterprise of the DPR "Donetsk Railway";
01.2024 — transferred to the balance of Railways of Novorossiya, temporarily does not work.
Vehicles without photos
TCH-14 Debaltsevo Statistics
Vehicles without photos
TCH-17 Volnovakha (ZDN)
11.03.2022-01.2024 — the work of the depot in the State Unitary Enterprise of the DPR Donetsk Railway
01.2024 — Railways of Novorossiya
Vehicles without photos
TCH-19 Ilovaysk (ZDN) Statistics
Vehicles without photos
TCH-20 Yasinovataya (ZDN) Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Yuzovsky Metallurgical Plant Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Donetsk Metallurgical Plant Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Mariupol port Statistics
Vehicles without photos
- Statistics
Vehicles without photos
ITE "Ordjonikidzeloadtrans" Statistics
Vehicles without photos
- Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Yenakiyevsky Metallurgical Plant Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Makeyevsky Metallurgical Plant Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Makeyevcox Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Yasinovsky Coke and Chemical Plant Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Komsomolsk Ore Management Statistics
Vehicles without photos
M Museum of the History and Development of the Donetsk Railway Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Travel units of the Donetsk branch Statistics
Vehicles without photos
The power station of the Donetsk branch Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Others Donetsk Statistics
Vehicles without photos
Full list Statistics
Vehicles without photos

New photos

»  ВЛ80Т-1855.
»  ВЛ82М-032, ВЛ82М-090, ЭД2Т-0054.
»  ЭР9П-335, ЭР9П-441.
All updates


Компания была создана на основании распоряжения Правительства РФ от 29 мая 2023 года № 1404-р. Ей было передано имущество предприятий «Донецкая железная дорога», «Луганская железная дорога», «Херсонская железная дорога», «Мелитопольская железная дорога» и концерна «Железные дороги Донбасса».

На январь 2024 года в компании работало 12,4 тыс. человек. В ее структуру входят три филиала: Донецкий, Луганский и Мелитопольско-Херсонский.

Active Photographers of This Railroad

1st place: Ярослав Денисович — 11 photos
2nd place: Makeevskiy — 3 photos
3rd place: Виталий_DSK — 3 photos

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