
Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Locomotives of industrial transport
Model:TGK2, TGK2-1
Builder:Kaluga mashinery plant   Kaluga
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:ООО "Вираж"

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Россия, Татарстан, подъездной путь ООО "Вираж" от станции Кендери
Russia, Tatarstan, branch line of the "Virazh" LLC from the Kenderi station
Рәсәй, Татарстан, "Вираж" ҖЧҖ керү юлы Киндерле станциясеннән

Friday, July 17, 2015
Author: Дамир Абдуллин

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Gorky Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport → TGK2, TGK2-1
—  Gorky Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport
—  Gorky Railway → TGK2, TGK2-1
—  TGK2, TGK2-1