BLS Ae 4/4-256

Railway District/Company:Other
Depot:BLS AG (BLS)
Model:BLS Ae 4/4
Builder:Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works   Winterthur
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
В 1965/1966 гг. модернизирован в BLS Ае 8/8 275 (BLS Ae 4/4-253 + BLS Ae 4/4-254).
1965/1966 — Umbau zu BLS Ае 8/8 275 (BLS Ae 4/4-253 + BLS Ae 4/4-254).

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Other → BLS AG (BLS) → BLS Ae 4/4
—  Other → BLS AG (BLS)
—  Other → BLS Ae 4/4
—  BLS Ae 4/4