140 074-6
Railway District/Company: | Slovakia, other companies |
Depot: | Прочее |
Model: | 140 (E 499.0) |
Builder: | Závody V.I.Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 12E5 |
Works number: | 3142 |
Identification number: | 91 56 6 140 074-6 |
Built: | 1957 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Current condition: | In operation |
Note: | ŽOS Zvolen, a.s. |
Тип: Škoda 12E5 Plzeň
ex E499.0074 ČSD
01.01.1988 — смена обозначения
01.01.1993 — ŽSR Slovensko
01.01.2002 — RD Kosice ZSSK Slovensko
__.08.2005 — CTL Rail, обозначен ET13-R002
__.__.2006 — CTL Logistics Sp. z o.o.
__.__.2009 — ŽOS Zvolen, a.s. cнят с баланса CTL Logistics
__.03.2012 — возвращено обозначение 140 074
31.07.2013 — присвоен EVN: 91 56 6 140 074-6
__.11.2013 — (аренда) Rail Polska sp.z.o.o
__.__.2014 — (аренда) PSŽ, a.s. Slovensko |
Secondary photos: hide / show
Чехия, Устецкий край, станция Дечин-главный Czech Republic, Ustetsky region, Decin-main station Česko, Ústecký kraj, stanice Děčín hlavní nádraží
Monday, October 31, 2016 Author: Denis Solovev
№: | 140 074-6 |
Railway District/Company: | Slovakia, other companies |
Depot: | Прочее |
Model: | 140 (E 499.0) |
Builder: | Závody V.I.Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 12E5 |
Works number: | 3142 |
Identification number: | 91 56 6 140 074-6 |
Built: | 1957 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | ŽOS Zvolen, a.s. |
Renumbered March 2012 | ↑Renumbered |
№: | ET13-R002 |
Railway District/Company: | Slovakia, other companies |
Depot: | Прочее |
Model: | 140 (E 499.0) |
Builder: | Závody V.I.Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 12E5 |
Works number: | 3142 |
Identification number: | 91 56 6 140 074-6 |
Built: | 1957 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | ŽOS Zvolen, a.s. |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | ET13-R002 |
Railway District/Company: | Slovakia, other companies |
Depot: | Прочее |
Model: | 140 (E 499.0) |
Builder: | Závody V.I.Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 12E5 |
Works number: | 3142 |
Identification number: | 91 56 6 140 074-6 |
Built: | 1957 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | ŽOS Zvolen, a.s. |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 2009 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | ET13-R002 |
Railway District/Company: | Poland, other companies |
Depot: | CTL Logistics |
Model: | 140 (E 499.0) |
Builder: | Závody V.I.Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 12E5 |
Works number: | 3142 |
Built: | 1957 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Lists of rolling stock:
— Slovakia, other companies → Прочее → 140 (E 499.0)
— Poland, other companies → CTL Logistics → 140 (E 499.0)
— Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko → Košice → 140 (E 499.0)
— ČSD — Československé státní dráhy (1945-1993) → RD Žilina → 140 (E 499.0)
— Slovakia, other companies → Прочее
— Poland, other companies → CTL Logistics
— Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko → Košice
— ČSD — Československé státní dráhy (1945-1993) → RD Žilina
— Slovakia, other companies → 140 (E 499.0)
— Poland, other companies → 140 (E 499.0)
— Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko → 140 (E 499.0)
— ČSD — Československé státní dráhy (1945-1993) → 140 (E 499.0)
— 140 (E 499.0)