
Far Eastern RailwayTChE-6 Ussuriysk
≈ 11.2002
TChE-14 Partizansk
ТЭМ2-5996 Moscow RailwayBryansk-II operational depot (TChE-46)

Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:TChE-6 Ussuriysk
Model:TEM2, TEM2A
Builder:Bryansk mashinery plant   Bryansk
Identification number:15359961
Written off:2019
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
199_-200_- приписан к депо Брянск-II Московской ж. д.

06.1990 — ТР-3 депо Лихоборы Московской ж. д.

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Written off
628 KB

 ТЭМ2К-1945 , Far Eastern Railway

Россия, Приморский край, станция Спасск-Дальний
Russia, Primorsky krai, Spassk-Dalniy station

Friday, October 23, 2015
Author: Евгений Кусков

Depot:TChE-6 Ussuriysk
Transferred to another depot
March 2015
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-14 Partizansk
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Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:TChE-14 Partizansk
November 2002 (approximately)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Bryansk-II operational depot (TChE-46)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-6 Ussuriysk → TEM2, TEM2A
—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-14 Partizansk → TEM2, TEM2A
—  Moscow Railway → Bryansk-II operational depot (TChE-46) → TEM2, TEM2A
—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-6 Ussuriysk
—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-14 Partizansk
—  Moscow Railway → Bryansk-II operational depot (TChE-46)
—  Far Eastern Railway → TEM2, TEM2A
—  Moscow Railway → TEM2, TEM2A
—  TEM2, TEM2A