
Railway District/Company:Georgian Railway
Depot:TCh-7 Tbilisi-Passenger
Builder:Tbilisi electric locomotive building plant  
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 

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 ВЛ22М-1483 , Georgian Railway

Грузия, Имеретия, депо Кутаиси
Georgia, Imereti, Kutaisi depot
საქართველო, იმერეთი, დეპო ქუთაისი

Автор — M. Kißler

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Georgian Railway → TCh-7 Tbilisi-Passenger → 4E10
—  Georgian Railway → TCh-7 Tbilisi-Passenger
—  Georgian Railway → 4E10
—  4E10