Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-26 Kem' |
Model: | 2M62 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Works number: | 4285 / 4284 |
Identification number: | 16810491/16810509 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | Out of order |
Note: | СР Мичуринский ЛРЗ |
С завода поступил в депо Волховстрой Октябрьской ж. д.
В 04.1991 г. передан в депо Кемь
Подменен тепловозом 2М62-0743, настоящий 2М62-0525 списан под номером 2М62-0743
02.1993 — КР
10.2007 — СР депо Великие Луки
03.2011 — ТР-3 депо Великолукское, срок службы продлён
03.2016 — КР Мичуринский ЛРЗ (ГР 10.2016 г.)
08.2024 — СР Мичуринский ЛРЗ, установены дизели 2Д49 |
Secondary photos (1): hide / show
Россия, Тамбовская область, Мичуринский локомотиворемонтный завод Russia, Tambov region, Michurinsk locomotive repair works
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 Author: Дмитрий Закутный
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Лодейное Поле Russia, Leningrad region, Lodeynoe Pole station
Friday, July 27, 2018 Author: Начальник депо
№: | 2М62-0525 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-26 Kem' |
Model: | 2M62 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Works number: | 4285 / 4284 |
Identification number: | 16810491/16810509 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Note: | СР Мичуринский ЛРЗ |
Transferred to another depot April 1991 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 2М62-0525 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-21 Volhovstroi |
Model: | 2M62 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Works number: | 4285 / 4284 |
Identification number: | 16810491/16810509 |
Built: | 1981 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Lists of rolling stock:
— October Railway → TChE-26 Kem' → 2M62
— October Railway → TChE-21 Volhovstroi → 2M62
— October Railway → TChE-26 Kem'
— October Railway → TChE-21 Volhovstroi
— October Railway → 2M62
— 2M62