TAF 086

Railway District/Company:Trenitalia S.p.A.
Depot:Roma Smistamento
Model:ALe 426/506 TAF
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: In operation 
Построен в 4-вагонной составности (ALe 426.086 — Le 736.171 — Le 736.172 — ALe 506.086)

Вагоны и сетевые коды (UIC):
ALe 426.086 — 94 83 4426 086-4 I-TI
Le 736.171 — 94 83 0736 171-7 I-TI
Le 736.172 — 94 83 0736 172-5 I-TI
ALe 506.086 — 94 83 4506 086-7 I-TI

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Trenitalia S.p.A. → Roma Smistamento → ALe 426/506 TAF
—  Trenitalia S.p.A. → Roma Smistamento
—  Trenitalia S.p.A. → ALe 426/506 TAF
—  ALe 426/506 TAF