
Gorky RailwayPromzheldortrans Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC 
 Moscow RailwayLocomotives of industrial transportзавод "Вторцветмет", Мценск

Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Promzheldortrans Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC
Builder:Bryansk Machine-building factory   Bryansk
Identification number:15451123
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Ранее завод "Вторцветмет", Мценск.

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875 KB

Россия, Татарстан, АО КМП "Промжелдортранс", подъездной путь от станции Химическая
Russia, Tatarstan, "Promzheldortrans" Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC, branch line from the Khimicheskaya station
Рәсәй, Татарстан, "Промжелдортранс" Казан тармак-ара предприятиесе АҖ, Химия станциядән керү юлы

Friday, April 1, 2022
Author: Dmitriy_M

885 KB

 ТГМ6А-2159 , Gorky Railway
ТЭМ2-5723, Gorky Railway

Россия, Татарстан, АО КМП "Промжелдортранс", станция Химическая
Russia, Tatarstan, "Promzheldortrans" Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC, Khimicheskaya station
Рәсәй, Татарстан, "Промжелдортранс" Казан тармак-ара предприятиесе АҖ, Химия станциясе

Friday, April 1, 2022
Author: Dmitriy_M

Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Promzheldortrans Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Locomotives of industrial transport
Note:завод "Вторцветмет", Мценск
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Gorky Railway → Promzheldortrans Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC → TEM2UM
—  Moscow Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport → TEM2UM
—  Gorky Railway → Promzheldortrans Kazan intersectoral enterprise JSC
—  Moscow Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport
—  Gorky Railway → TEM2UM
—  Moscow Railway → TEM2UM