
Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:TCh-3 Vyazemskaya
Model:M62, DM62
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
Works number:1882
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
С постройки поступил Дальневсточную ж. д.

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СССР, РСФСР, Еврейская автономная область, станция Облучье
USSR, Russian SFSR, Jewish autonomous region, Obluchye station

Скан из юбилейного альбома "Дальневосточная железная дорога. 100 лет"

late 1970s
Received from Дмитрий Закутный

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Far Eastern Railway → TCh-3 Vyazemskaya → M62, DM62
—  Far Eastern Railway → TCh-3 Vyazemskaya
—  Far Eastern Railway → M62, DM62
—  M62, DM62