
Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:Shakhterskoye PTU
Builder:Kambarka Machine-building factory   Kambarka
Written off:2017
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
Передан с Углегорского ЦБЗ

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454 KB

 ТУ7А-3148 , Far Eastern Railway

Россия, Сахалинская область, Шахтерское погрузочно-транспортное управление
Russia, Sakhalin region, Mining loading and transport department

Monday, July 17, 2017
Author: Лëха47

Written off

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Far Eastern Railway → Shakhterskoye PTU → TU7
—  Far Eastern Railway → Shakhterskoye PTU
—  Far Eastern Railway → TU7
—  TU7