
KZhDE16Gorky RailwayKirov machine-buiding works of the 1st of May 
КДЭ163-3065 KDE163Locomotives of industrial transportКиров, Машиностроительный завод 1 мая

Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Kirov machine-buiding works of the 1st of May
Current condition: In operation 
рег. № 15437
Модернизирован силами завода из КДЭ163 до КЖДЭ16.

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 ТГМ23Б-2451 , Gorky Railway

Россия, Кировская область, АО "Кировский машзавод 1 Мая"
Russia, Kirov region, "Kirov machine-building works of the May 1st" JSC

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Author: Машинист пивного крана

Depot:Kirov machine-buiding works of the 1st of May
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Depot:Locomotives of industrial transport
Note:Киров, Машиностроительный завод 1 мая
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Gorky Railway → Kirov machine-buiding works of the 1st of May → KZhDE16
—  Gorky Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport → KDE163
—  Gorky Railway → Kirov machine-buiding works of the 1st of May
—  Gorky Railway → Locomotives of industrial transport
—  Gorky Railway → KZhDE16
—  Gorky Railway → KDE163
—  KZhDE16
—  KDE163