
PKP CargoTarnowskie Gory
Czechowice Dziedzice
Polish State Railways (PKP)Czechowice Dziedzice

Railway District/Company:PKP Cargo
Depot:Tarnowskie Gory
Model:SM31 (Ls1200)
Builder:Fabryka Maszyn Budowlanych i Lokomotyw BUMAR-FABLOK   Chrzanów
Serial type:Ls1200
Works number:9929
Identification number:98 51 8 621 080-5 PL-PKPC
Written off:18.08.2020
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe
07.02.1978 — MD Rybnik
· 30.05.1994—02.06.1994 — (аренда) MD Kędzierzyn Koźle
01.07.1997 — MT Czechowice Dziedzice
19.02.1999 — капремонт (G1) в Zakłady Naprawcze Taboru Kolejowego (ZNTK) Nowy Sącz
01.04.1999 — MZ Czechowice Dziedzice
01.09.1999 — Zakład Taboru w Czechowicach Dziedzicach
PKP Cargo S.A.
01.10.2001 — Zakład Taboru w Czechowicach Dziedzicach
01.01.2009 — Górnośląski Zakład Spółki w Rybniku
01.01.2011 — Śląski Zakład Spółki w Tarnowskich Górach
† 18.08.2020 — исключëн из эксплуатации PKP Cargo, на утилизацию передан фирме OLMET

August 18, 2020   
Written off
Depot:Tarnowskie Gory
Transferred to another depot
January 2011
Transferred to another depot
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Identification number:98 51 8 621 080-5 PL-PKPC
Transferred to another depot
January 2009
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Czechowice Dziedzice
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Railway District/Company:PKP Cargo
Depot:Czechowice Dziedzice
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
October 2001
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Polish State Railways (PKP)
Depot:Czechowice Dziedzice
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Depot:Czechowice Dziedzice
Transferred to another depot
July 1997
Transferred to another depot
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February 7, 1978   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  PKP Cargo → Tarnowskie Gory → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  PKP Cargo → Rybnik → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  PKP Cargo → Czechowice Dziedzice → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → Czechowice Dziedzice → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → Rybnik → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  PKP Cargo → Tarnowskie Gory
—  PKP Cargo → Rybnik
—  PKP Cargo → Czechowice Dziedzice
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → Czechowice Dziedzice
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → Rybnik
—  PKP Cargo → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  Polish State Railways (PKP) → SM31 (Ls1200)
—  SM31 (Ls1200)