Railway District/Company:National Company of the French Railways
Depot:Paris Sud-Est
Model:TGV Sud-Est
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: In operation 
Motrices: 23061 / 23062
Mise en service: 24 octobre 1981
Livrée: Atlantique
Baptême (Date): Combs-la-Ville (6 mars 1982)

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Written off
31 BB 1-80 (E-BB 1-80) Chambéry 1925 09.12.1976

Lists of rolling stock:

—  National Company of the French Railways → Paris Sud-Est → TGV Sud-Est
—  National Company of the French Railways → Paris Sud-Est
—  National Company of the French Railways → TGV Sud-Est
—  TGV Sud-Est