
Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
Depot:PMS-208 Kinel
Model:VPR02, VPR02K
Builder:Kaluga mashinery plant   Kaluga
Identification number:19521590
Written off:2017
Category:Maintenance Vehicles
Current condition: Written off 
Оборудован КЛУБ-УП
Ранее работал в ПМС-145 Похвистнево

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Written off
493 KB

 ДГку/5-4759 , Kuybyshev Railway

Россия, Самарская область, станция Кинель
Russia, Samara region, Kinel station

На территории ПМС-208

Thursday, November 5, 2015
Author: Serg73

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Kuybyshev Railway → PMS-208 Kinel → VPR02, VPR02K
—  Kuybyshev Railway → PMS-208 Kinel
—  Kuybyshev Railway → VPR02, VPR02K
—  VPR02, VPR02K