Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-3 Rossosh |
Model: | ChS4T |
Builder: | Závody V. I. Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 62E10 |
Works number: | 8123 |
Identification number: | 11907151 |
Built: | 1986 |
Written off: | 06.2016 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Current condition: | Written off |
С хххх по 2011 г. в ТЧЭ-3 Россошь
2011 г. передан в ТЧЭ-15 Балашов
02.2015 г. передан в ТЧЭ-3 Россошь
01.2003 г. СР
09.2009 г. КР Новосибирский ЭРЗ |
Secondary photos: hide / show
Россия, Воронежская область, депо Россошь Russia, Voronezh region, Rossosh depot
Sunday, February 22, 2015 Author: Denzel Washington
№: | ЧС4Т-715 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-3 Rossosh |
Model: | ChS4T |
Builder: | Závody V. I. Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 62E10 |
Works number: | 8123 |
Identification number: | 11907151 |
Built: | 1986 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot January 2015 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ЧС4Т-715 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-15 Balashov |
Model: | ChS4T |
Builder: | Závody V. I. Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 62E10 |
Works number: | 8123 |
Identification number: | 11907151 |
Built: | 1986 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Саратовская область, станция Балашов-I Russia, Saratov region, Balashov-I station
Saturday, June 21, 2014 Author: Lord_VL80
Россия, Белгородская область, станция Валуйки Russia, Belgorod region, Valuyki station
Saturday, October 19, 2013 Author: toljn
Россия, Липецкая область, перегон Сенцово — Липецк Russia, Lipetsk region, Sentsovo — Lipetsk stretch
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 Author: foboz
Россия, Саратовская область, перегон пост 463 км — Балашов-Пассажирский Russia, Saratov region, 463 km waypoint — Balashov-Passazhirskiy stretch
Sunday, November 25, 2012 Author: Tsyganenko82
№: | ЧС4Т-715 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-15 Balashov |
Model: | ChS4T |
Builder: | Závody V. I. Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 62E10 |
Works number: | 8123 |
Identification number: | 11907151 |
Built: | 1986 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot November 2010 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ЧС4Т-715 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-3 Rossosh |
Model: | ChS4T |
Builder: | Závody V. I. Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik Plzeň |
Serial type: | 62E10 |
Works number: | 8123 |
Identification number: | 11907151 |
Built: | 1986 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Ростовская область, станция Ростов-Главный Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-Glavny station
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 Author: Лагутин И.Б.
Россия, Краснодарский край, депо Горячий Ключ Russia, Krasnodar krai, Goryachiy Klyuch depot
Saturday, January 16, 2010 Author: agura
Россия, Ростовская область, станция Ростов-Главный Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-Glavny station
Thursday, January 14, 2010 Author: Лагутин И.Б.
Lists of rolling stock:
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-3 Rossosh → ChS4T
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-15 Balashov → ChS4T
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-3 Rossosh
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-15 Balashov
— South-Eastern Railway → ChS4T
— ChS4T