
ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КПNorthern RailwayTChE-6 Buj
TChE-11 Losta
Gorky RailwayMurom operational depot (TChE-2)
Odeska RailwayTCH-7 Znamenka
North Caucasus RailwayTChE-8 Kavkazskaya
TChE-11 Timashevskaya
TChE-8 Kavkazskaya
Gorky RailwayGorkiy-Sortirovochy operational depot (TChE-6)
 Privolzhsk (Volga) RailwayTCh-9 Rtishchevo

Railway District/Company:Northern Railway
Depot:TChE-6 Buj
Model:ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
Builder:Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant   Novocherkassk
Written off:02.2009
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил в депо Ртищево Приволжской ж. д.
__.04.1966 — передан в депо Горький-Сортировочный
__.09.1970 — передан в депо Кавказская
__.05.1979 — передан в депо Тимашевская
__.12.1981 — передан в депо Кавказская
__.01.1984 — передан в депо Знаменка
__.07.1987 — передан в депо Муром
29.01.1988 — передан в депо Вологда
28.04.2005 — передан в депо Буй

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Россия, Вологодская область, станция Лоста
Russia, Vologda region, Losta station

В запасе, на путях транзитного парка станции Лоста

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Author: meshgan

February 2009   
Written off
Depot:TChE-6 Buj
Transferred to another depot
April 2005
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-11 Losta
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Railway District/Company:Northern Railway
Depot:TChE-11 Losta
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
January 1988
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Murom operational depot (TChE-2)
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Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Murom operational depot (TChE-2)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
July 1987
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Odeska Railway
Depot:TCH-7 Znamenka
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Railway District/Company:Odeska Railway
Depot:TCH-7 Znamenka
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
January 1984
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:TChE-8 Kavkazskaya
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Depot:TChE-8 Kavkazskaya
Transferred to another depot
December 1981
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-11 Timashevskaya
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Depot:TChE-11 Timashevskaya
Transferred to another depot
May 1979
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-8 Kavkazskaya
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Model:ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
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Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:TChE-8 Kavkazskaya
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
September 1970
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Gorkiy-Sortirovochy operational depot (TChE-6)
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Railway District/Company:Gorky Railway
Depot:Gorkiy-Sortirovochy operational depot (TChE-6)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
April 1966
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway
Depot:TCh-9 Rtishchevo
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439 KB


Точное место съёмки неизвестно, но похоже на перегон Хемалда-Шеломово.
Фото из архива газеты "Голос Череповца", середина 1990-х.
Отсканировал Евгений Евфиц, выложено с его личного разрешения

Received from Слава

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Northern Railway → TChE-6 Buj → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  Northern Railway → TChE-11 Losta → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  Gorky Railway → Murom operational depot (TChE-2) → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  Odeska Railway → TCH-7 Znamenka → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-8 Kavkazskaya → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-11 Timashevskaya → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-8 Kavkazskaya → ВЛ60К
—  Gorky Railway → Gorkiy-Sortirovochy operational depot (TChE-6) → ВЛ60К
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TCh-9 Rtishchevo → ВЛ60К
—  Northern Railway → TChE-6 Buj
—  Northern Railway → TChE-11 Losta
—  Gorky Railway → Murom operational depot (TChE-2)
—  Odeska Railway → TCH-7 Znamenka
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-8 Kavkazskaya
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-11 Timashevskaya
—  Gorky Railway → Gorkiy-Sortirovochy operational depot (TChE-6)
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TCh-9 Rtishchevo
—  Northern Railway → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  Gorky Railway → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  Odeska Railway → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  North Caucasus Railway → ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  North Caucasus Railway → ВЛ60К
—  Gorky Railway → ВЛ60К
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → ВЛ60К
—  ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП
—  ВЛ60К