V170 1149

Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Builder:NOHAB   Trollhättan
Serial type:MY
Works number:2600
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
1964-1999: DSB
1999 — 2001: NEG
2001-2003: Eurotrac
2003 — 2007: Eichholz
2007 — 2010: STRABAG Rail
С 2010 по настоящее время: Altmark-Rail

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 MY 1101 , Danish State Railways (DSB)
MY 1126, Danish State Railways (DSB)
 221 145-6 , Germany, Other

Германия, Бранденбург, Историческое локомотивное депо Виттенберге
Germany, Brandenburg, Historic locomotive depot Wittenberge
Deutschland, Brandenburg, Historischer Lokschuppen Wittenberge

Saturday, June 1, 2024
Author: Cargonaut

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, private carriers → Other → MY
—  Germany, private carriers → Other
—  Germany, private carriers → MY
—  MY