650 026

650 026
Germany, private carriersWürttembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (WEG)
DB RegioPlochingen (Stuttgart S-Bahn)

Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (WEG)
Model:DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)
Builder:Stadler Pankow GmbH   Berlin
Works number:36857
Identification number:95 80 0650 026-7 D-WEG
Current condition: In operation 

Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (WEG)
Identification number:95 80 0650 026-7 D-WEG
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
December 2024
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:DB Regio
Depot:Plochingen (Stuttgart S-Bahn)
Identification number:95 80 0650 026-7 D-DB
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Depot:Plochingen (Stuttgart S-Bahn)
Transferred to another depot
June 2018
Transferred to another depot
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, private carriers → Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (WEG) → DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)
—  DB Regio → Plochingen (Stuttgart S-Bahn) → DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)
—  DB Regio → Tübingen → DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)
—  Germany, private carriers → Württembergische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (WEG)
—  DB Regio → Plochingen (Stuttgart S-Bahn)
—  DB Regio → Tübingen
—  Germany, private carriers → DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)
—  DB Regio → DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)
—  DB 650 (Regio-Shuttle RS1)