145 086-5

145 086-5
145 (TRAXX F140 AC)Germany, private carriersRheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG (RHC)
Beacon Rail Capital Europe GmbH (BRCE)
481 004-0
Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)SBB CargoBasel
486 654-7 OtherMittelthurgaubahn (MThB)

Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:RheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG (RHC)
Model:145 (TRAXX F140 AC)
Builder:Bombardier Transportation   Berlin
Works number:33386
Identification number:91 80 6145 086-5 D-RHC
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 

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Германия, Баден-Вюртемберг, станция Тамм
Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Tamm station
Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg, Bahnhof Tamm

Saturday, January 4, 2025
Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

Depot:RheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG (RHC)
Identification number:91 80 6145 086-5 D-RHC
Transferred to another depot
November 2015
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Beacon Rail Capital Europe GmbH (BRCE)
Identification number:91 80 6145 086-5 D-DISPO
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№:145 086-5
Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:Beacon Rail Capital Europe GmbH (BRCE)
Model:145 (TRAXX F140 AC)
Identification number:91 80 6145 086-5 D-DISPO
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
July 2005
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
№:481 004-0
Railway District/Company:SBB Cargo
Model:Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)
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№:481 004-0
Railway District/Company:SBB Cargo
September 2002
№:486 654-7
Railway District/Company:Other
Depot:Mittelthurgaubahn (MThB)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, private carriers → RheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG (RHC) → 145 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  Germany, private carriers → Beacon Rail Capital Europe GmbH (BRCE) → 145 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  SBB Cargo → Basel → Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  Other → Mittelthurgaubahn (MThB) → Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  Germany, private carriers → RheinCargo GmbH & Co. KG (RHC)
—  Germany, private carriers → Beacon Rail Capital Europe GmbH (BRCE)
—  SBB Cargo → Basel
—  Other → Mittelthurgaubahn (MThB)
—  Germany, private carriers → 145 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  SBB Cargo → Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  Other → Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  145 (TRAXX F140 AC)
—  Re486/Re481 (TRAXX F140 AC)