363 691-7
Railway District/Company: | Germany, private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-FLEX |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | Out of order |
Note: | Flex Bahndienstleistungen GmbH, Leipzig |
This rail vehicle has no primary photos
861 002, Sweden, other companies 151 124-5, Germany, private carriers ER20-011, Germany, private carriers 225 015-7, Germany, private carriers 221 147-2, Germany, private carriers V60 583 , Germany, private carriers 155 060-7, Germany, private carriers 345 385-9, Germany, private carriers
Германия, Саксония, станция Лейпциг-Главный Germany, Saxony, Leipzig-Main station Deutschland, Sachsen, Leipzig Hauptbahnhof
Saturday, November 16, 2024 Author: Франт
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany, private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-FLEX |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Note: | Flex Bahndienstleistungen GmbH, Leipzig |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) November 2023 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Ingolstadt |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-DB |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Ingolstadt |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-DB |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot August 2017 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Seelze |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-DB |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Seelze |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-DB |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot September 2013 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Hagen |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-DB |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 363 691-7 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Hagen |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Identification number: | 98 80 3363 691-7 D-DB |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
Renamed September 2003 | ↑Renamed |
№: | 365 691-5 |
Railway District/Company: | DB Cargo |
Depot: | Hagen |
Model: | V60 DB |
Builder: | Maschinenbau Kiel (MaK) Kiel |
Works number: | 600280 |
Built: | 1960 |
Category: | Shunting Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Lists of rolling stock:
— Germany, private carriers → Other → V60 DB
— DB Cargo → Ingolstadt → V60 DB
— DB Cargo → Seelze → V60 DB
— DB Cargo → Hagen → V60 DB
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Hamm (Westf) → V60 DB
— DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) → Hamm → V60 DB
— Germany, private carriers → Other
— DB Cargo → Ingolstadt
— DB Cargo → Seelze
— DB Cargo → Hagen
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Hamm (Westf)
— DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) → Hamm
— Germany, private carriers → V60 DB
— DB Cargo → V60 DB
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → V60 DB
— DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) → V60 DB
— V60 DB