6193 326

Railway District/Company:Poland, other companies
Depot:Industrial Division Sp. z o.o.
Model:Siemens Vectron MS
Builder:Siemens   Krefeld
Serial type:Vectron MS
Works number:23660
Identification number:91 51 5 370 092-6 PL-ID
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:Jacek / (аренда) PKP Intercity
CARGOUNIT Sp. z o.o.
03.05.2024 — принят в эксплуатацию, сертифицирован для: PL/D/A/CZ/SK/H/NL/RO/BG
18.06.2024 — CARGOUNIT Sp. z o.o., Wroclaw [PL]
25.06.2024 — (аренда) PKP Intercity, Zakład Centralny w Warszawie [PL]

June 18, 2024   
Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Poland, other companies → Industrial Division Sp. z o.o. → Siemens Vectron MS
—  Poland, other companies → Industrial Division Sp. z o.o.
—  Poland, other companies → Siemens Vectron MS
—  Siemens Vectron MS