193 588

Railway District/Company:Luxembourg private carriers
Depot:Alpha Trains Group S.à r.l.
Model:6193 (Vectron)
Builder:Siemens   Krefeld
Serial type:Vectron MS
Works number:22838
Identification number:91 80 6193 588-1 D-ATLU
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:(аренда) WLC — Wiener Localbahnen Cargo GmbH
Alpha Trains Luxembourg
04.08.2020 — принят в эксплуатацию (сертифицирован для: D/A/PL/CZ/SK/H/NL/RO/BG)
__.__.2020 — Alpha Trains Luxembourg s.à.r.l. , Luxembourg [L]
04.01.2021 — (аренда) ČD Cargo, Prague [CZ]
01.11.2022 — (аренда) WLC — Wiener Localbahnen Cargo GmbH, Wien [A]

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Чехия, Устецкий край, перегон Усти-над-Лабем-Штреков — Литомерице
Czech Republic, Ustec region, Usti nad Labem-Shtrekov — Litomerice stretch

Sunday, April 10, 2022
Author: Nikolay Ryzhov

Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Luxembourg private carriers → Alpha Trains Group S.à r.l. → 6193 (Vectron)
—  Luxembourg private carriers → Alpha Trains Group S.à r.l.
—  Luxembourg private carriers → 6193 (Vectron)
—  6193 (Vectron)