247 903

247 903
Germany, private carriersOtherRail Transport Service GmbH, Graz-Werndorf
 Germany, OtherSiemems Mobility 

Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Model:Siemens Vectron DE
Builder:Siemens   Krefeld
Works number:21949
Identification number:92 80 1247 903-8 D-RTS
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:Rail Transport Service GmbH, Graz-Werndorf

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Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Identification number:92 80 1247 903-8 D-RTS
Note:Rail Transport Service GmbH, Graz-Werndorf
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Germany, Other
Depot:Siemems Mobility
Identification number:92 80 1247 903-8 D-SIEAG
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Германия, Нижняя Саксония, станция Энгельсдорф
Germany, Lower Saxony, Engelsdorf station
Deutschland, Niedersachsen, Bahnhof Engelsdorf

Автор — G. Kammann

Saturday, May 20, 2017
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, private carriers → Other → Siemens Vectron DE
—  Germany, Other → Siemems Mobility → Siemens Vectron DE
—  Germany, private carriers → Other
—  Germany, Other → Siemems Mobility
—  Germany, private carriers → Siemens Vectron DE
—  Germany, Other → Siemens Vectron DE
—  Siemens Vectron DE