
Latvia, private carriersJSC Baltijas Ekspresis 
Edelaraudtee (Southwestern railway)Tallinn-Väike
 Estonian RailwayTallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003]EVR 1301

Railway District/Company:Latvia, private carriers
Depot:JSC Baltijas Ekspresis
Builder:ČKD   Praha
Works number:11159
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
С завода поступил в ТЧ-5 Таллин-Копли Прибалтийской ж. д.
В 1996 г. передан в депо Таллин-Вяйке (Edelaraudtee).
В 2006 г. продан в Латвию компании "Baltijas Ekspresis".

ТР-3 депо Рига 08.1999 г.

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2ТЭ116-788, Latvia, private carriers
ЧМЭ3-3756, Latvia, private carriers

Латвия, Вентспилс, депо Вентспилс
Latvia, Ventspils, Ventspils depot
Latvija, Ventspils, depo Ventspils

March 2020
Author: Nikolay Ryzhov

Railway District/Company:Latvia, private carriers
Depot:JSC Baltijas Ekspresis
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
November 2005
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Edelaraudtee (Southwestern railway)
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Railway District/Company:Edelaraudtee (Southwestern railway)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
November 1995
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Estonian Railway
Depot:Tallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003]
Note:EVR 1301
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Latvia, private carriers → JSC Baltijas Ekspresis → ChME3
—  Edelaraudtee (Southwestern railway) → Tallinn-Väike → ChME3
—  Estonian Railway → Tallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003] → ChME3
—  Latvia, private carriers → JSC Baltijas Ekspresis
—  Edelaraudtee (Southwestern railway) → Tallinn-Väike
—  Estonian Railway → Tallinn-Kopli [closed in 11.2003]
—  Latvia, private carriers → ChME3
—  Edelaraudtee (Southwestern railway) → ChME3
—  Estonian Railway → ChME3
—  ChME3