670 003-3
Railway District/Company: | Germany, private carriers |
Depot: | Prignitzer Eisenbahn Arriva AG |
Model: | DB 670 |
Builder: | Bombardier Transportation Berlin |
Works number: | 2.571/3 |
Identification number: | 95 80 0670 006-5 |
Built: | 1996 |
Category: | Motorcars |
Current condition: | Out of order |
Note: | VT 670.3; Prignitzer Leasing AG, Putlitz |
Secondary photos: hide / show
№: | 670 003-3 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany, private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | DB 670 |
Builder: | Bombardier Transportation Berlin |
Works number: | 2.571/3 |
Built: | 1996 |
Category: | Motorcars |
Note: | VT 670.3; Anhaltische Bahn Gesellschaft mbH, Dessau (ABG) |
Renumbered 2006 | ↑Renumbered |
№: | 670 003-3 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany, private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | DB 670 |
Builder: | Bombardier Transportation Berlin |
Works number: | 2.571/3 |
Built: | 1996 |
Category: | Motorcars |
Note: | VT 670.3; FERROPOLIS Bergbau- und Erlebnisbahn e.V., Gräfenhainichen |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 670 003-3 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany, private carriers |
Depot: | Other |
Model: | DB 670 |
Builder: | Bombardier Transportation Berlin |
Works number: | 2.571/3 |
Built: | 1996 |
Category: | Motorcars |
Note: | VT 670.3; FERROPOLIS Bergbau- und Erlebnisbahn e.V., Gräfenhainichen |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) 2005 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 670 003-3 |
Railway District/Company: | Germany, Other |
Depot: | Bombardier Transportation |
Model: | DB 670 |
Builder: | Bombardier Transportation Berlin |
Works number: | 2.571/3 |
Built: | 1996 |
Category: | Motorcars |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Германия, Саксония-Анхальт, станция Мерзебург Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Merseburg station Deutschland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Merseburg Hauptbahnhof
Tuesday, June 4, 1996 Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer
Lists of rolling stock:
— Germany, private carriers → Prignitzer Eisenbahn Arriva AG → DB 670
— Germany, private carriers → Other → DB 670
— Germany, Other → Bombardier Transportation → DB 670
— DB Regio → Erfurt → DB 670
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Erfurt → DB 670
— Germany, private carriers → Prignitzer Eisenbahn Arriva AG
— Germany, private carriers → Other
— Germany, Other → Bombardier Transportation
— DB Regio → Erfurt
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Erfurt
— Germany, private carriers → DB 670
— Germany, Other → DB 670
— DB Regio → DB 670
— DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → DB 670
— DB 670