127 676-5

Railway District/Company:Czech Republiс, other
Depot:Sev.en Inntech
Model:127 (27E)
Builder:Škoda, oborový podnik   Plzeň
Serial type:27E1
Built:ca. 1985
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 

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Чехия, Устецкий край, Литвинов-Химопетрол
Czech Republic, Ustec region, Litvinov-Chemopetrol
Česko, Ústecký kraj, Litvínov-Chemopetrol

Thursday, August 24, 2023
Author: Skorapino

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Czech Republiс, other → Sev.en Inntech → 127 (27E)
—  Czech Republiс, other → Sev.en Inntech
—  Czech Republiс, other → 127 (27E)
—  127 (27E)