Railway District/Company:China Railway Corporation
Depot:Industrial transport locomotives
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 

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905 KB

 1505 , China Railway Corporation
 118 , China Railway Corporation
 EL2-128 , China Railway Corporation
 869 , China Railway Corporation

Китай, провинция Ляонин, Аньшаньский металлургический комбинат
China, Liaoning Province, Anshan Iron & Steel Works

Автор фото — Hans-Peter Bärtschi
ETH-Bibliothek Zürich

February 1994
Received from abrussia

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  China Railway Corporation → Industrial transport locomotives → IVKP1
—  China Railway Corporation → Industrial transport locomotives
—  China Railway Corporation → IVKP1
—  IVKP1