Railway District/Company:Railways of Chile
Depot:Northern Longitudinal Railway
Model:(нет в списке)
Serial type:0-2-0Т
Works number:6043
Current condition: Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer 
Note:Построен компанией John Fowler & Co, Англия
Информация о паровозе https://www.steamlocomotive.info/vlocomo...y=28740

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Чили, Хамберстон
Chile, Humberstone

Из коллекции

Friday, March 20, 2009
Received from Земсков А.Г.

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Railways of Chile → Northern Longitudinal Railway → (нет в списке)
—  Railways of Chile → Northern Longitudinal Railway
—  Railways of Chile → (нет в списке)
—  (нет в списке)