
South-Eastern RailwayPrivate depots at the enterprises
≈ 1950
TChE-12 Kochetovka
 Kuybyshev RailwayTChE-5 Ruzaevka

Railway District/Company:South-Eastern Railway
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Model:Eu, Em, Er
Builder:Lugansk steam engine building works   Lugansk
Works number:3886
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
В середине 30-х гг. депо Облучье
В период ВОВ в составе ОРКП-46 (сформирована в депо Хабаровск)
В 1945(?) г. передан в депо Рузаевка
В 1955(?) г. передан в депо Кочетовка
В 1964 г. передан в промышленность (ЦЧЭР)

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Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-12 Kochetovka
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366 KB

USSR, Russian SFSR

Фото из фондов Мордовского республиканского объединенного краеведческого музея имени И. Д. Воронина

late 1950s
Received from Lasselan

Railway District/Company:South-Eastern Railway
Depot:TChE-12 Kochetovka
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
1950 (approximately)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
Depot:TChE-5 Ruzaevka
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  South-Eastern Railway → Private depots at the enterprises → Eu, Em, Er
—  South-Eastern Railway → TChE-12 Kochetovka → Eu, Em, Er
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TChE-5 Ruzaevka → Eu, Em, Er
—  South-Eastern Railway → Private depots at the enterprises
—  South-Eastern Railway → TChE-12 Kochetovka
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TChE-5 Ruzaevka
—  South-Eastern Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Kuybyshev Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Eu, Em, Er