4744 504

Railway District/Company:ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways
Depot:Wien Westbahnhof
Model:Siemens Desiro ML
Builder:Siemens SGP   Vienna
Category:Electric Suburban
Current condition: In operation 

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596 KB

4020 296-2, ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways
632, Austria private carriers
4746 604, ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways

Австрия, Вена, станция Вена-Хюттельдорф
Austria, Vienna, Vienna-Hütteldorf station
Österreich, Wien, Bahnhof Wien Hütteldorf

Monday, October 30, 2023
Author: $crooge McDuck

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways → Wien Westbahnhof → Siemens Desiro ML
—  ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways → Wien Westbahnhof
—  ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways → Siemens Desiro ML
—  Siemens Desiro ML