
Railway District/Company:Sverdlovsk Railway
Model:(Steam locomotives)
Builder:Kolomensky plant   Kolomna
Serial type:20
Works number:399
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
Построен для Уральской Горнозаводской ж. д. как А.8
С 1912 г. обозначен Тк.8

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Российская Империя, Екатеринбургская область, станция Екатеринбург
Russian Empire, Yekaterinburg region, Yekaterinburg station

Фото из фондов Свердловского областного краеведческого музея имени О. Е. Клера

1912 or earlier
Received from Lasselan

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Sverdlovsk Railway → Other → (Steam locomotives)
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → Other
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → (Steam locomotives)
—  (Steam locomotives)